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ICORRECT: Take IELTS Speaking icon

1 reviews

Master IELTS speaking with expert-guided, realistic practice exams

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ICORRECT: Take IELTS Speaking is an innovative application designed to enhance English speaking abilities, particularly for individuals preparing for the IELTS speaking test. As a top choice for non-native speakers looking to study in an English-speaking country or to migrate, the IELTS exam challenges test-takers in diverse aspects, with speaking being one of the toughest.

The platform addresses a common hurdle faced by many learners – the scarcity of opportunities to practice speaking with experts. It creates a simulated environment that mirrors the structure and content of the actual IELTS speaking exam, providing users with a seamless and efficient way to hone their skills. Users are presented with video questions from an examiner and their responses are recorded, enabling a true-to-life practice experience.

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One of the standout features is the performance review capability, which allows users to replay their responses, providing a clear picture of areas for improvement. Furthermore, this product elevates the learning experience by incorporating social sharing features, facilitating feedback and encouragement within the learner community.

In a weekly showcase, top-performing tests receive complimentary evaluations, offering insight into successful speaking strategies. A scoring service is also available, giving users an expert assessment of their preparation level for a nominal fee.

Moreover, the correcting service provides detailed analysis and advice on how to refine speaking skills, ensuring that learners know exactly how to target their weaknesses. The Q&A support system allows users to clarify any doubts with examiners directly, providing a comprehensive learning ecosystem.

ICORRECT is more than just a learning tool; it’s a community-driven platform where participants earn rewards like 'Gold' for sharing and commenting on others’ tests. These rewards can be redeemed for discounts on valuable feedback services, nurturing a supportive network that collectively strives for IELTS success.

For those seeking an English speaking practice solution that delivers a realistic and interactive preparation experience, ICORRECT is a robust solution. It's tailored to enable learners to master the art of speaking English fluently and confidently, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional language courses.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by CSUPPORTER.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about ICORRECT: Take IELTS Speaking

Package Name com.correct.ielts.speaking.test
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
70 more
Downloads 6
Date Feb 24, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk Android + 5.0 Oct 22, 2023
apk Android + 5.0 Feb 1, 2024
apk Android + 5.0 Oct 22, 2023
apk Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Oct 22, 2023
apk Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Oct 22, 2023
apk Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Oct 22, 2023

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ICORRECT: Take IELTS Speaking icon


1 reviews


lazyblackblueberry21028 icon
4 months ago

it is very helpful for me to achieve good scores in ielts speaking test

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